Our Holistic
We firmly believe that cancer diagnosis is not a death sentence
We are committed to offer support to as many cancer patients as possible to ensure that no one will have to die of this scourge. Join us and help us turn the tide
Who Are We?
Cancer Awareness and Management Foundation (CAM - Foundation) is a locally registered entity that was founded by Sam Ngugi, a cancer warrior and survivor together with his wife, Juliah.
The foundation is built upon the wealth of experience that the couple has gathered in their own journey while fighting cancer since the year 2012. It
It also includes the experiences they have had while supporting and interacting with persons affected and infected by this scourge.
Mass Media
Round whitefish flat loach goldspotted killifish ronquil. Long-finned pike escolar northern squawfish eel, Australian herring
The main objective
of CAM Foundation is:
and material support to cancer patients.
share reliable data on cancer.
support to cancer patients.
and survivors with the aim of sharing experiences.
psycho-social support
or all objects of the organization